UArizona Awards as of 1/1/2024
Department of Education | |||||
Project Number | Project Title | Project Start Date | Project End Date | Contact PI / Project Leader | Other PI or Project Leader(s) |
P042A200796 | Student Support Services: Teacher Prep | 9/1/20 | 8/31/25 | Fatemma Soto-Herrera | |
P042A200798 | Student Support Services: Traditional | 9/1/20 | 8/31/25 | Robert McCune | |
P042A200251 | Student Support Services: STEM (TRIO ASEMS) | 9/1/20 | 8/31/25 | Corrie Sommerfeld | |
P031C210011-24 | Title III, Part F, HSI STEM and Articulation: Project CREAR | 10/1/21 | 9/30/26 | Kimberly Sierra | Judy Marquez Kiyama, Brooke Moreno |
P031S230077-24 | Title V, Developing HSIs Program, Project Adelante | 10/1/23 | 9/30/28 | Ana Cornide | Melani Martinez, Iliana Reyes |
R305B210019 | Access, Wellness, and Relational Determinants of Student Success (AWARDSS): PLUS: Pathways to Doctoral Studies for Underrepresented Students in Education-Related Fields | 8/1/21 | 7/31/26 | Dr. Michelle Perfect | Dr. Brandy Perkl |
NSF NRT Awardees | |||||
AwardNumber | Title | StartDate | EndDate | PrincipalInvestigator | Co-PIName(s) |
2022055 | NRT‐URoL: BRIDGES ‐ Building Resources for InterDisciplinary training in Genomic and Ecosystem Sciences | 09/01/2020 | 08/31/2025 | Scott Saleska | Bonnie Hurwitz, Jennifer Croissant, Anne Arnold, Rachel Gallery |
NSF REU Site Awardees | |||||
AwardNumber | Title | StartDate | End Date | Principal Investigator | Co-PIName(s) |
2149572 | REU Site: From the Clouds to the Core: A Place-Based REU for Southwestern US Community/Tribal College Students to Increase Under-Represented Group Recruitment to the Geosciences | 11/01/2022 | 10/31/2025 | Andrew Cohen | Kaustubh Thirumalai |
2051145 | REU Site: Environmental and Earth Systems Research at Biosphere 2 | 09/01/2021 | 08/1/2026 | Katerina Dontsova | Kevin Bonine |
2149582 | REU Site: The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project | 02/15/2022 | 01/31/2025 | Michael Johnson | |
1950359 | REU Site: CAT Vehicle: The Cognitive and Autonomous Test Vehicle | 04/01/2020 | 03/31/2024 | Jonathan Sprinkle | Loukas Lazos, Gregory Ditzler |
NSF S-STEM Awardees | |||||
AwardNumber | Title | StartDate | EndDate | Principal Investigator | Co-PIName(s) |
1930455 | Bridging Faculty and Student Cultures: Culturally Responsive Support for STEM Students Transferring between Two- and Four-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions | 10/15/2019 | 09/30/2024 | Regina Deil-Amen | Kimberly Sierra-Cajas, Emily Halvorson-Otts, Brian Stewart, Kasi Kiehlbaugh |
HSI USDA Educational Program Awardees | |||||
Grant Number | Grant Title | Start Date | End Date | Principal Investigator | Co-PIName(s) |
2020-38422-32249 | Towards an Accessible Agribusiness Education for College Students in Borderland Areas of the U.S. Southwest: An Agribusiness Analytics Minor | 9/1/20 | 8/31/24 | Satheesh V Aradhyula | Jose R Soto, Gary D Thompson, Na Zuo |
2021-77040-34883 | Arizona`s Science, Engineering, And Mathematic Scholars (ASEMS): Preparing And Retaining Leaders In STEAM | 8/1/21 | 7/31/25 | Jennifer A Teske | Nura A Dualeh, Gerardo U Lopez |
2021-77040-34885 | Sopa (Student Success By Increasing Opportunity, Participation, Awareness, And Achievement) | 8/1/21 | 7/31/25 | Tanya M Hodges | Baleshka Renee Brenes, Ashlee L Linares-Gaffer, Melissa Wyatt |
2022-77040-37624 | SALUDABLES (Strengthening Awareness for Living healthy Using Dietetics Approaches and Boosting Local Educational Success) | 9/1/22 | 8/31/26 | Ashlee L Linares-Gaffer | Baleshka Renee Brenes Mayorga, Tanya M Hodges, Carmen Young |
2023-77040-41142 | Building Leadership & Sustainable Food Systems in Cochise County, AZ | 9/15/23 | 9/14/27 | Evelyn B Whitmer | Ashley Diane Wright, Rachel Gildersleeve, Rachel Leih |
2023-77040-41195 | Preparing Hispanic and other Underrepresented Students in Fisheries and Aquaculture | 9/15/23 | 9/14/27 | Kevin Fitzsimmons | Arun K Dhar, Stephanie U. Murphy |
USDA AFRI Education and Workforce Development Awardees | ||||
Award ID | Project Title | Start date | End Date | PI(s) |
2022-67037-36253 | Growing Futures in AZ Agriculture: An Immersive Professional Development Series for Integrating Agricultural Concepts into K-8 Curricula | 11/1/21 | 11/1/25 | Farella, Joshua and Gratop, Gayle |
2022-67037-36193 | Next Steps 4 Leadership: Campus, Career, And Community For Agricultural Resiliency | 11/1/21 | 10/31/25 | Martinez, Cathy |
2023-70421-39505 | Creating a Pipeline of Future Professionals to Ensure a Safe and Resilient Meat Supply Chain | 4/15/23 | 4/14/26 | Wulf, Duane |
2022-67037-36253 | Growing Futures in AZ Agriculture: An Immersive Professional Development Series for Integrating Agricultural Concepts into K-8 Curricula | 11/15/21 | 11/14/25 | Farella, Joshua |