About Marcomms

What We Do

With more than $1 billion in research and development activity in FY24 resulting in knowledge, discovery, and innovation that positively impacts our state and world, the Office of Research, Innovation & Impact (RII) is central to the University of Arizona’s purpose and mission. RII has almost 1,000 employees, 19 departments, 16 institutes and centers, three innovation units, four museums, and a dozen specialized core facilities

The RII Communications and Marketing team provides strategic support services, resources, and guidance to help advance awareness of U of A’s research excellence, robust innovation ecosystem, and the resulting positive impact on people and communities.  

The team works closely and collaboratively with colleagues from colleges, schools, centers, institutes, innovation units, and U of A’s central communications and marketing teams to ensure that collectively we meet research communications needs across the university in the most productive way possible.

We manage a vast portfolio of communications and marketing assets, including the U of A Research website, social media accounts, presentations, publications, digital and print promotional materials, and major annual campaigns and events.

We’re committed to:

  • Increasing public awareness of U of A as a research powerhouse with a land-grant mission
  • Brand compliance and consistency
  • Collaboration with colleagues and stakeholders across the university
  • Expanding and strengthening university partnerships
  • Communicating how U of A research and innovation benefits real people, our environment, communities, state, and world

As resources and timelines permit, we offer support within RII in the following areas:

  • Graphic design
  • Internal and external communications 
  • Specialized communications including executive and philanthropic
  • Content development including news releases, marketing materials, and key messages
  • Media relations 
  • Web development
  • Social media strategy 
  • Photography 
  • Event coordination and marketing 

Note that special consideration is given to RII units with no communications or marketing professionals on staff.