Office for Responsible Outside Interests

What must University Administrators disclose in eDisclosure?

University Administrators must disclose:

A University Administrator is any University Employee in a position of administrative leadership of a college, academic department, business, or other administrative unit, where a regular job requirement is to make institutional decisions on behalf of the University of Arizona. The role of a University Administrator includes, but is not limited to, the following positions (whether such positions are staffed on an interim, full-time, or part-time basis):

  • University Senior/Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents
  • University Provost
  • University Senior/Associate/Assistant Vice Provosts
  • University Deans
  • University Vice/Deputy/Associate/Assistant Deans
  • University Directors
  • University Department Heads/Chairs
  • University Business Officers/Managers
  • University Division Chiefs, Center Heads/Directors
  • University Employees with the authority to sign agreements on behalf of the University of Arizona or Arizona Board of Regents
  • University Employees whose duties and responsibilities include contracting or services related to Research administration, Research contracting, Research compliance, responsible conduct of Research, sponsored projects services, or technology transfer and who are in a position to influence decisions or commit University resources in the performance of the University Employee’s duties and responsibilities.
  • Individuals who serve as Chairs on the University’s Institutional Review Board committees, regardless of whether such individuals are University Employees.

I will be serving on a board for a university in Europe, providing strategic planning advice for the university. I will be reimbursed for travel expenses, but will also receive honoraria for visits. How do I disclose this?

This should be disclosed as a Foreign Interest by selecting “Remuneration or Reimbursement (excluding sponsored travel)” and “Sponsored or reimbursed travel.” For Foreign Interests, there is no dollar threshold.


Foreign Interests are:

  • Participation in a foreign talent or similar-type program
  • All resources and other support, both domestic and foreign, for ongoing research projects, including those conducted at a different institution
  • In-kind contributions from domestic and foreign institutions or governments that support your research activities
  • Any payment, reimbursement, travel support or other compensation, of any amount, that you personally receive, or will personally receive, from a foreign entity

I am planning a personal trip to a foreign country this summer (outside my time paid by UA). There will be no money from UA spent, or received. Is there a form to fill if I give a seminar (unpaid, published materials)?

Below, please find a list of the potential points of disclosure. 

COC Form – Outside Activity

If your seminars meet the definition of Outside Commitment, you should submit a COC form in eDisclosure to get prior approval to engage in the Outside Activity.

Outside Commitments: (1) are professional and other activities that are related to a University Employee’s professional expertise, outside of their University duties and responsibilities; (2) are for the benefit of an external entity or individual and are not covered by a fully executed written agreement between the University and the external entity; and (3) require a time commitment. Outside Commitments include Outside Employment, independent contracts for consulting services, private consulting groups comprised of University Employees, volunteer/pro bono work, appointments at postsecondary educational institutions, and foreign components, as that term may be updated by the University’s Office for Responsible Outside Interests.

You can also use this decision tree to determine if the activity is an Outside Commitment: Outside Commitment Decision Tree.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Interests

If you do end up receiving a payment of any amount, an in-kind contribution or Other Support, it must be disclosed as a Foreign Interest.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Travel

PHS and Dept of Energy Investigators only: Must disclose any reimbursed or sponsored travel related to your institutional responsibilities, regardless of the amount, unless received from a Federal, state, or local government agency of the United States; a domestic Institution of Higher Education; or a domestic research institute that is affiliated with a domestic Institution of Higher Education.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Affiliations

As part of your eDisclosure submissions, you must disclose whether you have a foreign affiliation.

I am planning a personal trip to a foreign country. There will be no money from UA spent, or received. Is there a form to fill if I give a seminar (unpaid, published materials)?

Below, please find a list of the potential points of disclosure. 

COC Form – Outside Activity

If any of your activities during your travel meet the definition of Outside Commitment, you should submit a COC form in eDisclosure to get prior approval to engage in the Outside Activity.

Outside Commitments: (1) are professional and other activities that are related to a University Employee’s professional expertise, outside of their University duties and responsibilities; (2) are for the benefit of an external entity or individual and are not covered by a fully executed written agreement between the University and the external entity; and (3) require a time commitment. Outside Commitments include Outside Employment, independent contracts for consulting services, private consulting groups comprised of University Employees, volunteer/pro bono work, appointments at postsecondary educational institutions, and foreign components, as that term may be updated by the University’s Office for Responsible Outside Interests.

You can also use this decision tree to determine if the activity is an Outside Commitment: Outside Commitment Decision Tree.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Interests

If you do end up receiving a payment of any amount, an in-kind contribution or Other Support, it must be disclosed as a Foreign Interest.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Travel

PHS and Dept of Energy Investigators only: Must disclose any reimbursed or sponsored travel related to your institutional responsibilities, regardless of the amount, unless received from a Federal, state, or local government agency of the United States; a domestic Institution of Higher Education; or a domestic research institute that is affiliated with a domestic Institution of Higher Education.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Affiliations

As part of your eDisclosure submissions, you must disclose whether you have a foreign affiliation.

I am planning a personal trip to Japan (outside my time paid by UA). There will be no money from UA spent, or received. I would like to plan for some visits to colleagues at local universities while traveling. Is there a COI form I need to fill in?

Below, please find a list of the potential points of disclosure.

COC Form – Outside Activity

If your visits or seminars to Japanese universities meet the definition of Outside Commitment, you should submit a COC form in eDisclosure to get prior approval to engage in the Outside Activity.

Outside Commitments: (1) are professional and other activities that are related to a University Employee’s professional expertise, outside of their University duties and responsibilities; (2) are for the benefit of an external entity or individual and are not covered by a fully executed written agreement between the University and the external entity; and (3) require a time commitment. Outside Commitments include Outside Employment, independent contracts for consulting services, private consulting groups comprised of University Employees, volunteer/pro bono work, appointments at postsecondary educational institutions, and foreign components, as that term may be updated by the University’s Office for Responsible Outside Interests.

You can also use this decision tree to determine if the activity is an Outside Commitment: Outside Commitment Decision Tree.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Interests

If you do end up receiving a payment of any amount, an in-kind contribution or Other Support, it must be disclosed as a Foreign Interest.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Travel

PHS and Dept of Energy Investigators only: Must disclose any reimbursed or sponsored travel related to your institutional responsibilities, regardless of the amount, unless received from a Federal, state, or local government agency of the United States; a domestic Institution of Higher Education; or a domestic research institute that is affiliated with a domestic Institution of Higher Education.


COI Disclosure – Foreign Affiliations

As part of your eDisclosure submissions, you must disclose whether you have a foreign affiliation.

We need to submit disclosures for three subaward partners as part of a program. Does EACH subaward partner need to submit ONE disclosure or do ALL individuals from each subaward need to submit a disclosure?

 All Investigators on each subaward will be required to complete the training and disclosure requirements. An Investigator means any person who shares the responsibility of Conducting Research. Conducting Research includes the design, development, testing, evaluation, conduct, reporting, review, and oversight of a program of scientific inquiry.  Each Investigator will need to submit an individual disclosure.

In case helpful, below is a brief overview specific to subrecipients but more Information for Non-UA Subcontractors, Consultants, and Collaborators can  be found on our website.

Subrecipients will be presented with two options. They will need to either (1) have an implemented and enforced federally-compliant conflict of interest policy and process and agree to be responsible for compliance under their policy and pursuant to the subcontract or consulting agreement including reporting requirements (our office reviews each subrecipient’s policy to determine it is compliant) or (2) comply with UArizona’s Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy (more details on the fees that apply can be accessed from link above).  Our office will be in direct contact with the subrecipients to share a complete overview of all the related requirements. Our office will also provide any assistance and guidance the subrecipient may need.


I was contacted by a company asking me to give a compensated consultation to some investors, is there any UA regulation about that?

University Employees whose FTE is 0.50 or greater, are required to disclose any activity that meets the definition of an Outside Commitment or Outside Employment by submitting a disclosure of Outside Commitment or Employment (COC form) via eDisclosure. University approval is required prior to full-time University Employees (0.50 FTE or greater) entering into an Outside Commitment or Outside Employment (regardless of whether or not compensated for the activity).

  • The Outside Commitment Decision Tree on our Disclosure Requirements webpage link may be of assistance to you in determining whether the activity meets the definition of an Outside Commitment. More information on Outside Activity can also be found on our website.


Additionally, as an Investigator, one of the requirements is disclosure of Outside Interests (Significant Financial, Significant Personal and Foreign Interests). You can find an overview of the Disclosure Requirements on our website including Disclosure Table resources which outlines the disclosure guidelines.


Consulting Agreements

Our website has information related to Consulting Agreements including a Consulting Agreement Addendum that the University developed as a resource that University employees can use as an addendum to any agreement that you sign or can be used as guidance on common issues that may arise in a consulting arrangement that may relate to your university employment.