What must University Administrators disclose in eDisclosure?
University Administrators must disclose:
A University Administrator is any University Employee in a position of administrative leadership of a college, academic department, business, or other administrative unit, where a regular job requirement is to make institutional decisions on behalf of the University of Arizona. The role of a University Administrator includes, but is not limited to, the following positions (whether such positions are staffed on an interim, full-time, or part-time basis):
- University Senior/Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents
- University Provost
- University Senior/Associate/Assistant Vice Provosts
- University Deans
- University Vice/Deputy/Associate/Assistant Deans
- University Directors
- University Department Heads/Chairs
- University Business Officers/Managers
- University Division Chiefs, Center Heads/Directors
- University Employees with the authority to sign agreements on behalf of the University of Arizona or Arizona Board of Regents
- University Employees whose duties and responsibilities include contracting or services related to Research administration, Research contracting, Research compliance, responsible conduct of Research, sponsored projects services, or technology transfer and who are in a position to influence decisions or commit University resources in the performance of the University Employee’s duties and responsibilities.
- Individuals who serve as Chairs on the University’s Institutional Review Board committees, regardless of whether such individuals are University Employees.