I will be collaborating with another institution. What do I need to know?

Typically, U of A researchers must receive U of A IRB approval to conduct research with human subjects, regardless of where the research takes place. When collaborative projects are expected to involve researchers from multiple institutions, contact the HSPP to determine next steps.  While in some cases each investigator should work with their own institution’s IRB, in other cases, it might be advisable (or required by a funder) to arrange an IRB reliance/institutional agreement (IAA) to designate one IRB to review and approve the research as a whole.

I received a determination of "Not Human Research" and need to modify my project. Do these changes require IRB review and approval?

The HSPP does not accept modifications to determinations of human research as these projects are not overseen by an IRB. Investigators may proceed as long as the intent behind the project remains unchanged. If changes are made affecting whether the activities are human research, a new determination request must be submitted for review in eIRB.

What does "Exempt" mean? Does this mean I don't have to submit an application for review?

Projects that meet the definition of regulated human research under the Common Rule may fit within one or more categories of “Exempt” research. This does not mean that these studies do not need IRB review. For a research study to be deemed "Exempt", investigators need to submit an application to the IRB. Please note that an "Exempt" determination must be made by the IRB.

How long does IRB review take?

Approval timelines are contingent upon the complexity of a study, the investigator's responsiveness, and whether applicable approvals have been obtained. Average approval timelines are broken down by level of review:

  • Non-Committee Review (Minimal Risk/Exempt/Expedite): 14 business days
  • Committee Review: 30 business days