Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (IUSE:GEOPAths)
UA is ineligible to apply to the 12/31/19 concept application deadline because "The foundation will not consider more than one proposal from an organization in any calendar year and will not fund an organization more than once in a funding year" and UA applied to the July 2019 deadline.
8/14/19 UPDATE: The Disney Conservation Fund has increased its submission eligibility. They will consider one proposal per each of the following regions per university department: Africa, Asia, Central/South America, Europe/Australia, Marine, and North America. Applications may be submitted from Ph.D. level faculty focused on long term conservation programs. As this opportunity is no longer institutionally limited, UA departments need to ensure that only one application per region is submitted from their departments. Submission will be coordinated with the UA Foundation. Contact RDS with questionsS. Tecot - Anthropology, Africa
R. Tronstad
This is an Institutionally Coordinated submission opportunity.J. FehmiD. Falk
Senior Scholar: D. PietzJunior Scholar: R. Reineke
J. HuJ. McIntoshC. Rasmussen
P. Filer