Department of Education National Resource Center (NRC) and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Program (FLAS)
M. Vasquez-Leon: Latin AmericaA. Betterridge: Middle EastD. Pietz: International
M. Vasquez-Leon: Latin AmericaA. Betterridge: Middle EastD. Pietz: International
M. Franco - Resource HubL. Xu - Track 1
D. Taren
B. Hurwitz
UA may nominate one applicant per college.SBS: C Abramson
S. SaleskaT. Meixner
The UA may submit one proposal (either as a single institution or as subawardee or a member of a Collaborative Research project) from each constituent school or college that awards degrees in an eligible field.Applicants have been selected for the following colleges:Education: R. Deil-AmenEngineering: V. SubbianCALS: G. LopezMedicine: A. Ganchorre
UA can submit one applicant per each WiSTEM2D discipline, (Science,Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing, Design)E. Gornish - ScienceL. Bozgeyikli - TechnologyM. Khanna - EngineeringMathManufacturingDesign
J. FieldUA may submit one application.