Additional space, renovations, or mechanical changes needed?
When submitting a proposal that may require additional space, renovations, or enhancements to utilities (like electrical, plumbing, or mechanical systems), it is crucial for investigators to reach out to Planning, Design & Construction (PD&C) and/or Facilities Management (FM) three months prior to the submission deadline. Such projects can involve significant costs and require additional lead time. By consulting the appropriate units well in advance, investigators can obtain cost estimates to include in their proposal budget whenever possible, and/or request and obtain commitments for alternate sources of funding prior to proposal submission. This ensures that the necessary funds and approvals are in place when awards are received so they can be accepted without delay.
Answer this question Yes if additional space, renovations, or changes in electrical, mechanical, or plumbing systems will be needed to conduct the project.
When answered Yes, a Questionnaire for "Space, Renovation" will be created requiring answers to additional questions:
What is the proposed location of additional space, renovations, or changes in electrical, mechanical, or plumbing systems? Be specific to avoid proposal delays (e.g. building name, room, total square feet, potentially impacted utilities systems, estimated cost, etc.).
In the text box, provide a brief summary of the anticipated needs. Be specific to avoid proposal delays and at a minimum provide the following: building name, street address, and room number if applicable; total square feet; potentially impacted utilities systems; cost estimate for changes.
Is the full cost of space changes or renovations included in the proposal budget?
Answer this question Yes if you have obtained a cost estimate and the full costs of the estimate are included in the proposal budget.
Answer this question No if you have not included the full costs of the cost estimate in the proposal budget or you have not obtained a cost estimate.
If not, What is the source of funds for space costs not included int he proposal?
If you answered No to the preceding question, in the text box enter specific amount(s), account number(s), and department(s)/unit(s). Documentation of alternate approved source(s) of funds should be attached in the Attachments section of the UAccess Research proposal.
Additional, more detailed guidance on estimating square footage, identifying which unit a space is assigned to, obtaining renovation estimates, submitting space change requests, and more can be found here.