For assistance navigating eDislosure, please contact Ann De Bellis at or (520) 626-6406.
eDisclosure Navigation PDFs and videos are available on our Navigating eDisclosure webpage.
Looking for training?
Managing outside interests and commitments protects the integrity of The University of Arizona and its research.
Required COI Training for InvestigatorsCOI Training for AdministratorseDisclosure
Conflict of Interest (COI) and Conflict of Commitment (COC) Forms
Disclosures are critical for maintaining UArizona's high standards in the conduct of its research and research-related activities.
Submit COI or COC Disclosure Non-UA COI Information
Still have questions?
We are continually compiling answers to the questions we receive. As you read FAQs, please remember you'll encounter terms that are specific to Responsible Outside Interests or are defined by state and federal guidelines. We've compiled those terms here.
About Responsible Outside Interests
The Office for Responsible Outside Interests' goal is to align outside interest and activities with UArizona's mission to disseminate knowledge through teaching, research and public service in a way that ensures transparency, integrity and public trust.
OROI is responsible for ensuring conflicts of interest and commitment are mitigated and promoting objectivity in research.
Appropriate relationships with private industry and the nonprofit sector further UArizona's mission to disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, and public service.
However, these external activities may have the potential for a conflict when the activities, income, or other interests affect, or appear to affect, activities pursued or decisions made within the University.
What We Do
We are responsible for UArizona's Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy, UArizona's disclosure system (eDisclosure), ensuring conflicts of interest and commitment are appropriately eliminated or managed, and promoting objectivity in research.
Services We Offer
- Help UA entrepreneurs manage start-up activities and institutional responsibilities
- Collaborate with researchers to protect the integrity of UA research
- Work with undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other University trainees to inform them of identified conflicts of interest
- Provide conflict of interest and commitment training
- Support adherence to with federal regulations and state law disclosure requirements
Who We Serve
Research Investigators
We serve both UArizona Investigators and Non-UA Subcontractors, Consultants, and Collaborators.
University Employees
who are entering into an Outside Activity or have a Substantial Interest
Students, postdocs & trainees
includes anyone who is an “Investigator” on a Research Project at the University
University Administrators
who have an Outside Interest or are aware of an Institutional Financial Interest
UArizona-wide Information and Policies
- UArizona's Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy is available on UArizona's policy website.
- UArizona's Consulting or Other Outside Employment Policy is available on UArizona's policy website.
- ABOR's policy on conflict management in technology transfers - ABOR 3-901(B) - is available in ABOR's policy manual.