External Funding - Search Databases and Funding Sources

The University of Arizona provides access for faculty, students, and researchers to multiple funding databases. In addition, a number of publicly available databases are available to search for extramural funding opportunities.

Search Engines

  • COS Pivot is a searchable database of funding opportunities that provides information about external funding opportunities from federal, non-federal, and international sponsors in all disciplines. In addition to keyword searches, researchers can create a user profile to set up customized searches with e-mail alerts about new opportunities that match your search criteria. For quick tips on using COS Pivot, click here.
  • Grant Forward is a searchable database of funding opportunities based on the Illinois Research Information Service. The University of Arizona is registered as an institution on the system. Investigators can register on the system and complete a professional profile.
  • Proposal Central is used by many foundations and societies to process proposal submissions and also provides information about funding programs and upcoming deadlines.  The University of Arizona is registered as an institution on the system.  Investigators register on the system and complete a professional profile. 

Federal Databases

Federal Agency Sites

While all of the funding opportunities on the following individual agency sites should also be available at the federal sites identified above, the individual agency sites usually have additional guidelines, tips and contact information relating to their particular programs.

Learn more about funding opportunities at Agency specific sites

State, City and Local Funding Sources

The State of Arizona and local sources also provide resources for funding.

Learn more about some of the local funding sources


There are a number of foundations that typically provide funding for research at the University of Arizona.

Learn more about some of the foundations that fund UA research

Contact RDS


(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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