Where can I find out who received the ticket for previous limited submission opportunities?
RDS publishes the name of the PI selected for each Limited Submission opportunity on the Limited Submission Table on the Research Gateway.
RDS publishes the name of the PI selected for each Limited Submission opportunity on the Limited Submission Table on the Research Gateway.
No. RDS does not publicly identify the members of the internal funding review panels or the specific members assigned to individual proposals or ad hoc reviewers.
Yes. Review comments are provided to all applicants once the reviews are completed, and the ticket has been awarded.
The RDS Limited Submissions Table page on the UA Research Gateway or Arizona Cultivate are regularly updated with all current funding opportunities, deadlines and updates.
Preproposals are archived within Arizona Cultivate and are not distributed or made publicly available.
Once you have received the “ticket” you should work with your department administrator and, if available, the RDS Associate designated to support the proposal development. All limited submissions submitted to an external funding agency or sponsor are handled through Sponsored Projects and Contracting Services.
The information contained in a limited submission pre-proposal and the associated supplemental documents is considered highly confidential and all efforts will be made to ensure the fair, objective, and confidential review of each pre-proposal. Review panel members are required to sign a conflict of interest statement prior to pre-proposal review and to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure confidentiality of the content of all limited submissions applications.
RDS makes every effort to have pre-proposals reviewed in a timely manner, usually within two weeks of the internal deadline. Our goal is to maximize the external proposal preparation time for selected researchers to submit to the sponsor for funding.