Work abroad on a U.S. military base?

If a project involves work on a U.S. military base abroad, additional international travel insurance requirements may be required. For expert guidance, contact the UA Export Control Program well in advance of travel.

Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance is a federal requirement for international travel that is associated with the U.S. federal government. There are two primary triggers when DBA must be obtained:

Are companies or nonprofits involved in the project?

Answer this question ‘Yes’ if this proposal involves companies or non-profits as partners if they are not already listed as a sponsor or prime sponsor. This would be the case for proposals where a company or nonprofit is a subrecipient, consultant, advisor, etc. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then it is required in the UAccess Research (UAR) proposal to list the full name(s) of any company or non-profit organization that will be involved as a partner, separated by commas.

HSI required/encouraged or involves minority populations?

Answer this Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) question 'Yes' if the proposal falls into one of the three categories described below.

HSI Grant requests for proposal (RFPs) generally fall into three categories:

HSI Required: These funding opportunities are exclusive to HSIs and require proof that the university is an HSI. A digital copy of proof from the U.S. Department of Education can be provided upon request. Direct inquiries to Riley McIsaac,


Radiation (Radioactive Material, Sealed Source, Radiation Generating Machine)?

Answer this question “Yes” if this proposal involves the use of Radiation.

Your work will need to be approved by the UA Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) before you can start work.  You can access the documents needed to submit to the committee at, “Application for (Radioactive Material/Radiation Machine/Sealed Sources) Approval.”

Cancer Center facilities used (including shared resources)?

As a National Cancer Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Facility, any and all use of the facilities of the Cancer Center must be reported to the National Institutes for Health (NIH) on an annual basis. This includes any use of Cancer Center Facilities, including use of the Common Equipment Rooms and/or the Shared Services of the Cancer Center.  use of any lab, office, common equipment or shared services or any part of the Cancer Center Facility requires approval.