Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF)

2025 Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Grants

Request Ticket // Limit: 4* (1 per grant type) // Tickets Available: 4

Legacy Researcher Grant // Limit 1 // Tickets Available: 1

Translational Research Grant // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1

Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grant // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1

Donor Designated Grant Program // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1

Provide the name of the Institution, Principal Investigator and their title. An institution may only submit one LOI per award type. Multiple LOIs should not be submitted by the same researcher. 

Grant Categories 
The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation awards four types of research grants: 

  1. Legacy Researcher Grant (up to $100,000 per year, up to 2 years for translational research and up to $150,000 per year, for three years, for basic science research) 
    This grant is given to a long-standing PCRF-funded researcher for at least five years, who has demonstrated consistent progress and outcomes in pediatric cancer research. This funding category aims to support and sustain ongoing initiatives, ensuring that momentum is maintained on critical projects with potential for cures.  
  2. Translational Research Grants (up to $100,000 per year, up to 2 years)  
    This grant is given to single or multi-institutional programs that involve open, cancer clinical trials or consortia, and implement new approaches to therapy. These grants support “bench to bedside” research, whose endpoint is often the planning or initiation of a clinical trial. 
  3. Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grants (up to $75,000 for one year) 
    These grants are designed to support Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Clinical Investigator training for emerging pediatric cancer researchers to pursue exciting research ideas. Applicants must have completed two years of their fellowship or not more than two years as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at the start of the award period. These grants encourage and cultivate the best and brightest researchers of the future. 
  4. Donor Designated Grant Programs 
    These grants fund projects in communities or regions local to the specific donor or fundraising activity. Outside contributing organizations, fundraisers and donors work with the Foundation to identify a specific project and/or specific doctor, focus on a specific disease type, facility or awareness program. Grants can be for any specific amount as designated by the donor or contributing organization. PCRF will not accept grant application without an approved Letter of Intent (LOI). Please refer to the guidelines contained in this document for the specific guidelines. 

Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 2024: Translational Research Grants

No Applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


These grants fund new research protocols and therapies that hold promise for improved outcomes and accelerates cures from the laboratory bench to the bedside of children and teens with highrisk cancers. This Grant is given to single or multi-institutional programs that involve open, cancer clinical trials or consortia, and implement new approaches to therapy. Applicants must be a PhD and/or MD.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 2024: Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grants

Limit:1 // E. Thornley (College of Medicine -Phoenix) 



These grants are designed to support Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Clinical Investigator training for emerging pediatric cancer researchers to pursue exciting research ideas. Applicants must have completed two years of their fellowship or not more than two years as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at the start of the award period. These grants encourage and cultivate the best and brightest researchers of the future.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 2024: Basic Science Research Grants

No Applicants  //  Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


These grants fund basic science, translational and/or clinical state of the art pediatric cancer research initiatives. These grants fund work that is the basis for childhood cancer research, helping to move science in the direction of improved treatments and eventually finding a cure. They are designed to move hypothesis-driven research into the clinic providing support for important preclinical projects that are necessary to move a study from the pre-clinical arena into a clinical trial. Applicants must be a PhD (with a least two years as a junior faculty or assistant professor) and/or MD

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline