Applied NanoBioscience & Medicine nanofabrication facility (Phoenix)

BIOASSAY DEVELOPMENT/MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES: Our team of biologists have expertise in performing molecular laboratory services that comprise bioassay chemistries development and validation but also analytical tests with the scope of nucleic acids and proteins. In particular the team has access to laboratory equipment related to DNA forensic or other clinical tests. BIOLAB: The Center's molecular biology and general chemistry lab facilities occupy 1500 square feet with five fume hoods, two biosafety cabinets and an 80 foot bench area. These provide the capability for full scale molecular biology research, as well as facilitate the development of different bioassays and bioanalytical characterizations. INSTRUMENTATION/SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: The center has a fully equipped electrical engineering laboratory and a group of experienced hardware and software engineers to perform prototyping tasks ranging from circuit design, boards prototyping, electronic assembly and full instrumentation development within compliant industry quality standards. NANOFABRICATION: The nanofabrication facility occupies totally 900 square feet of space with a 750 square foot Class 1000 cleanroom. It provides fabrication, characterization and design services of a variety of structures, materials and devices at nano- and microscale for the University of Arizona community, as well as external academic and industrial users. PLASTIC FABRICATION: The fabrication team can address your prototyping needs for the development of integrated assay platforms using Lab on Chip (LOC’s) or multi-layer thermoplastic laminates. Our in-house expertise in design, general machining, NC machining and mechanical assembly allows for quick turnaround times for your prototypes.

Biological Irradiator and Imager (Phoenix)

The Biological Irradiator and Imager Shared Equipment resource provides access to x-ray irradiation and x-ray and luminescence imaging on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus near 7th Street and Van Buren Street. This resource is sponsored by the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix and the University of Arizona Cancer Center.
Facility Category

Biostatistics and Study Design Services (Phoenix)

Biostatistics applies statistical reasoning and methods to biomedical and public health research. Our support is vital at every stage of a research project, from study design to publication. We are valuable members of interdisciplinary research teams — ensuring appropriate data collection, management and analysis. We also develop statistical methods or modify existing methods to address your study's problems, if or when the standard approaches do not work well.

Molecular Discovery Core (Phoenix)

The vision of the Molecular Discovery Core (MDC) is to build a highly collaborative and state-of-the-art facility at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus to accelerate early-stage drug discovery in the Arizona research community with several instruments geared toward the analysis of biomolecules. This core supports a wide variety of research activities that depend on the detection and analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, compounds, bioactive molecules and biomolecular interactions.

Flow Cytometry Core (Phoenix)

The Flow Cytometry Core provides expertise, training/education, personnel and instrumentation, to assist users in multi-parametric flow cytometry, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for both basic and clinical research. The core Director can provide help with multicolor/multiparameter panel designing, design of experiments, as well as to develop and implement new applications/assays. The core staff is available to provide assistance in sample preparation, staining, data acquisition and analysis.

Biomedical Imaging Core (Phoenix)

The Biomedical Imaging Core offers leading edge multiphoton and confocal microscopy for biomedical imaging and data collection. Conveniently located on the downtown Phoenix Biomedical Campus at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix, the core is designed to be a community-based resource available to UA affiliated and non-affiliated faculty and researchers.
Facility Category