
Department of Defense: Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) - Equipment/Instrumentation

Limit: 3 // Tickets Available: 0

V. Yurkiv (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) 
H. Xin (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
R.J. Jones (Optical Sciences) 

An institution may submit no more than three (3) applications under this FOA. If a given HBCU/MI submits more than three applications, the institution will be required to withdraw applications that exceed this limit.

Program Description
The DoD is soliciting applications for the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation under the Fiscal Year 2025 Research and Education Program for HBCUs/MIs. The Research and Education Program is designed to enhance the research capabilities of
HBCUs and MIs and to strengthen their STEM education programs. The purpose of the funding under this FOA is to (1) support the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation to augment existing capabilities or to develop new capabilities in research areas of interest to DoD, and (2) attract students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers. Although funding provided under this FOA cannot be used for student support, in order to further DoD’s objective of attracting students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers, applicants must address the impact of the requested equipment/instrumentation on student participation in research.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2025 William T. Grant Scholars Program

Major divisions (e.g., College of Arts and Sciences, Medical School) of an institution may nominate only one applicant each year.

The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas.

Nomination Statement Requirements
This statement from the Dean or chairperson of the nominating division should describe why the applicant was selected; an assessment of the applicant’s plan; the applicant’s current and expected future roles in the division; the supporting resources available; the applicant’s current source and amount of salary; and the appointment, promotion, and institutional support plans for the applicant, including a guarantee that 50 percent of the applicant’s paid time will be devoted to research. (Successful examples of nominating statements can be found on the Foundation’s website.)

Focus Areas:

  • Reducing Inequality
    • In this focus area, we fund research studies that aim to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5–25 in the United States, along dimensions of race, ethnicity, economic standing, sexual or gender minority status, language minority status, or immigrant origins.
  • Improving the Use of Research Evidence
    • In this focus area, we support research on strategies focused on improving the use of research evidence in ways that benefit young people ages 5-25 in the United States. We want to know what it takes to get research used by decision-makers and what happens when research is used. We welcome letters of inquiry for studies that pursue one of these broad aims.

      While an extensive body of knowledge provides a rich understanding of specific conditions that foster the use of research evidence, we lack robust, validated strategies for cultivating them. What is required to create structural and social conditions that support research use? What infrastructure is needed, and what will it look like? What supports and incentives foster research use? And, ultimately, how do youth outcomes fare when research evidence is used? This is where new research can make a difference.

Eligible Applicants 

• Applicants must be nominated by their institutions. Major divisions of an institution (e.g., College of Arts and Sciences, Medical School) may nominate only one applicant each year.  In addition to the eligibility criteria below, deans and directors of those divisions should refer to the Review Criteria to aid them in choosing their nominees. Applicants of any discipline are eligible. 

• Applicants must have received their doctorate within seven years of submitting their application. We calculate this by adding seven to the year the doctorate was conferred. In medicine, the seven-year maximum is dated from the completion of the first residency. The month in which the degree was conferred or residency completed  does not matter for this calculation. 

• Applicants must be employed in career-ladder positions. For many applicants, this means holding a tenure-track position in a university. Applicants in other types of organizations should be in positions in which there is a pathway to advancement in a research career at the organization and the organization is fiscally responsible for the applicant’s position. The award may not be used as a post-doctoral fellowship. 

• Applicants outside the United States are eligible. As with U.S. applicants, they must pursue research that has compelling policy or practice implications for youth in the United States. 

• We strive to support a diverse group of researchers in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and seniority, and we encourage research projects led by Black or African American, Indigenous, Latinx, and/or Asian or Pacific Islander American  researchers.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

NSF National Resource Coordination Center on Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE)

U of A may submit one proposal.

NSF seeks proposals to create an NSF National Resource Coordination Center on Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) (IUSE Center) that will be an intellectual partner to the IUSE: EDU community and NSF. Working in concert with the IUSE: EDU program, the goal of the IUSE Center is to serve as a focal point and intellectual partner for the IUSE: EDU community. The objectives of the IUSE Center are to:

  • Enhance the reach and influence of IUSE investments by facilitating communication, engagement, and networking among IUSE: EDU award recipients, prospective recipients, and other stakeholders; and
  • Provide support and resources for development and maintenance of IUSE: EDU projects, especially for prospective recipients and those underrepresented in the IUSE: EDU award recipient community.

The IUSE Center will be expected to work collaboratively with NSF and the IUSE: EDU community to design, implement, and execute its activities and ensure the inclusion of diverse educators and education researchers representing the full range of the nation's talent pool, of eligible institutions and organizations, and of STEM education efforts funded through the IUSE: EDU Program.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

DOS SFOP0010162 : 2024 Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students (IDEAS) Program

No Applicants //  Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


Only one proposal will be considered by ECA from each applicant organization.

The IDEAS grant competition annually awards approximately 20 grants of up to $35,000 each to accredited U.S. colleges and universities physically based in the United States or its territories. The grants support institutions with a broad range of capacity to create, expand, and/or diversify their study abroad programs, including institutions that currently have limited or no experience administering study abroad programs as well as those with established programs.

Program Goals

  • Create or expand U.S. colleges and universities’ capacity to administer study abroad programs that are primarily for U.S. undergraduate students and align with U.S. foreign policy goals;
  • Increase the number of U.S. undergraduate students studying or interning abroad for academic credit, with an emphasis on diversifying both the students and institutions taking part in study abroad and the destinations to which they travel; and
  • Collect, develop, and share best practices for increasing and diversifying study abroad opportunities for U.S. students with the broader U.S. higher education community through trainings and other capacity-building initiatives. 

The IDEAS grant competition is open to U.S. accredited U.S. colleges and universities physically based in the United States or its territories with a broad range of capacity to administer study abroad programs, including institutions that currently have limited or no experience administering study abroad programs as well as those with established programs. Minority-serving institutions are encouraged to apply.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOS PD-FY24-01: 2024 U.S. Embassy Mexico City PD Annual Program Statement


Limit: 1 // J. Dutram ( Assistant Vice President, Mexico and Latin America)


U.S. Mission Mexico’s PDS invites proposals for programs that strengthen cultural ties and mutual understanding between the U.S. and Mexico through cultural, economic, educational, professional, and exchange programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include a U.S. cultural element, or connection with U.S. expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policies and perspectives. Programs that include multiple states and/or promote increased collaboration and networking between USG program alumni are encouraged.

Examples of PD Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to:

·        Academic and professional lectures, seminars, and speaker programs;

·        Artistic, cultural, educational, and sports workshops, joint performances, clinics, and exhibitions;

·        Cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs;

·        Professional and academic exchanges and programs; and

Promotion of entrepreneurship for indigenous and Afro-Mexican community programs.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DE 2023 Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program - Title V , Part A

UArizona cannot apply to this funding program during 2023 due to an active award. 



The Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program provides grants to assist HSIs to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, Hispanic students. These grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance their academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.

Institutions must be designated as an eligible institution of higher education in order to apply for the Title V program and must meet the program-specific requirements to be defined as an HSI.

To be designated as an eligible institution of higher education, an institution must apply for and receive designation through an application process. Please refer to the most recent Application for Designation as an Eligible Institution. You may contact the program office if you have questions regarding eligibility.

Types of Projects 

Funds may be used for activities such as: scientific or laboratory equipment for teaching; construction or renovation of instructional facilities; faculty development; purchase of educational materials; academic tutoring or counseling programs; funds and administrative management; joint use of facilities; endowment funds; distance learning academic instruction; teacher education; and student support services.

NOTE: The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) amended Section 503(b) of the Higher Education Act to include among the authorized activities under the HSI Program: activities to improve student services, including innovative and customized instruction courses designed to retain students and move the students into core courses; articulation agreements and student support programs designed to facilitate the transfer of students from two-year to four-year institutions; and providing education, counseling services, and financial information designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students and their families.

The HEOA also amended the authorized activities to use the term "distance education technologies" in place of "distance learning academic instruction capabilities."

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2022 US Department of State Limited Submission Opportunities

Submit UA Limited Submissions Ticket Request

The US Department of State (DOS) issues a range of funding opportunities, and some but not all are limited submissions. Historically RDS has received very few responses to these opportunities. In order to streamline the limited submission process, reduce faculty and administration burden, and determine an institutional selection expeditiously when deadlines are approaching, RDS will not be posting each opportunity individually. We will consider these DOS opportunities to be "Open" under the UArizona Limited Submission Process unless they are specifically designated otherwise on the Limited Submissions Table.

If you would like to search the current opportunities from the Department of State, please visit and filter under “Agency” for Department of State. Funding opportunities are also available on the Department of State website listed under the Bureau or Office that oversees the program. Before submitting a limited submission ticket request, interested PIs should verify their eligibility to apply for the specific funding opportunity under the University of Arizona RII Principal Investigator Guidelines.

If you find a US Department of State opportunity you would like to apply for, please check the solicitation language to determine whether it is a limited submission. Common phrases indicating it is limited include: “institutions may submit only one application/two applications/etc.,” “multiple applications from an organization are not allowed,” or “organizations are permitted one application per program area/track, etc.” This is usually under the "Eligibility" section of the solicitation. If it is institutionally limited, please submit a pre-proposal through this website at the "Submit UA LS Ticket Request" button above. Under the UArizona Limited Submission Process for "Open" opportunities, PIs/Teams are given priority to submit based on the order in which requests are received.

The application slot(s) for Department of State limited submissions will be filled on a rolling basis, so please request the LS ticket as soon as possible. For any questions or concerns, please contact RDS at

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

2021 Angel Charity for Children Grant

UArizona may submit one proposal.

Review and selection of the UArizona institutional submission will be determined by UA Foundation and RII Leadership. Only pre-proposals for the Large Grant – from $100,000 to $1,000,000 – will be accepted for this internal competition.

The Mission of Angel Charity for Children, Inc. (a 501(c)(3)) is to improve the quality of life for children in our community. This is accomplished through an established program of fundraising for the beneficiary(ies) selected annually by the General Membership. It is our hope that the community supports the mission of Angel Charity until all the needs of Pima County’s children have been met.

C. Waite

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
11/08/2021 (required LOI)
Solicitation Type

FY22 NSF (PIRE) Partnerships for International Research and Education

1/3/2022 UPDATE: The NSF has released the new solicitation and this opportunity is no longer a limited submission. Interested PIs please contact Research Development Services for more information or if interested in submitting a required LOI and full proposal.


Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
02/08/2022 (required LOI)
Solicitation Type

Global Reach II

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Global Reach II Program. The purpose of this initiative is to collaboratively formulate and deliver high quality solutions across the range of programming required to achieve sustainable HIV epidemic control as guided by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator of the U.S. State Department, emphasizing new and innovative approaches pursued jointly with HRSA and other stakeholders. An additional purpose is to assist with translating new science into programming and to mitigate the impact of forces such as global pandemics in the HIV response. Programs and activities are to span health services, structural interventions, and data use and tracking systems. Global Reach  encompasses four major categories of support: 1. HIV Direct Service Delivery 2. Human Resources for Health 3. Quality Improvement 4. Health Systems Strengthening. Global Reach II will also leverage HRSA’s broader expertise and equities on global health needs.

No applicants.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline