United States Department of Defense (DOD)

Department of Defense: Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) - Equipment/Instrumentation

Limit: 3 // Tickets Available: 0

V. Yurkiv (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) 
H. Xin (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
R.J. Jones (Optical Sciences) 

An institution may submit no more than three (3) applications under this FOA. If a given HBCU/MI submits more than three applications, the institution will be required to withdraw applications that exceed this limit.

Program Description
The DoD is soliciting applications for the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation under the Fiscal Year 2025 Research and Education Program for HBCUs/MIs. The Research and Education Program is designed to enhance the research capabilities of
HBCUs and MIs and to strengthen their STEM education programs. The purpose of the funding under this FOA is to (1) support the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation to augment existing capabilities or to develop new capabilities in research areas of interest to DoD, and (2) attract students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers. Although funding provided under this FOA cannot be used for student support, in order to further DoD’s objective of attracting students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers, applicants must address the impact of the requested equipment/instrumentation on student participation in research.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOD HT9425-25-MHSRP: 2024Military Health System Research Program (MHSRP)

No Applicants  // Limit: 2* // Tickets Available: 2


*An eligible applicant may submit up to two LOIs for consideration, but only one (1) LOI may be selected.


  • Required Letter of Intent: May 28, 2024
  • Invited Full Proposal: Sep. 6, 2024

The Military Health System Research Program (MHSRP) provides research grants on topic areas directed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD (HA)) and the Leadership of the Defense Health Agency (DHA). The intent of MHSR is to foster research capability and capacity that supports the Military Health System (MHS) as a learning health system and to mature as an integrated health system focused on Ready Reliable Care that improves outcomes for patients, staff, and the enterprise.

The MHSRP funds research that examines factors that affect the enterprise in terms of economics/cost, quality, outcomes, variation, policies, and how they impact health readiness. The goal is to identify and characterize the factors that influence the efficiency and effectiveness of MHS care delivery. Knowledge obtained from this research should support evidence-based policy and decision-making at the strategic and front-line levels. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks rigorous collaborative health system research that has the potential to innovate military and civilian health care. The goal is to enhance data-driven evidence that optimizes the MHS delivery of health care and improves the health of beneficiaries. This NOFO is intended to solicit Intramural and Extramural Military Health System Research aligned with DHA priority research areas.


Areas of Interest:

Research must examine the organization, delivery, and financial cost of healthcare, producing evidence that impacts policy and decision-making within the MHS. The research must enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the MHS to be considered for funding. The research aims should address at least one of the Priority Topic Area(s).

a. Economics and Cost: Research on the factors that shape the MHS cost, drive demand and utilization, and influence cost in either TRICARE direct or purchased care systems; issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behavior in the production, and utilization health care in terms of costs, charges, and expenditures; the impact of technologies on care delivery and cost; and the impact of workforce, recruitment, and retention of medical personnel. Research that delineates value-based care within the MHS in both purchased and direct care; pre- and post- studies to evaluate the impact of the structure of the TRICARE contract on patient care.

b. Quality - Research which examines the degree to which health services for individuals and populations are safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable with the outcome of increasing the likelihood of improved health. The impact of standardizing clinical practice through clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practices, and process improvements, on the health of the population/sub-population.

c. Outcomes - Health outcome research identifies and measures the factors which impact a population of patients at the enterprise, geographic market level, or sub-population levels; examines the system level factors which influence achievement of the Quadruple Aim “better health” in comparison to private sector efforts. Health outcomes research incorporates clinical outcomes, financial impact, patient health, quality of life, and measurement of indicators that predict results important to patients and patient experience.

d. Variation - Studies that examine the factors that influence unwarranted variation or differences in quality, utilization, cost, or outcomes within the MHS and the implications to the enterprise as a system of system of care.

e. Health Readiness - Burden of disease and associated health and risk factors within the MHS populations that effect Active Duty Service Members ability to deploy. Implications of disease burden as an indicator of medical readiness, potential impact to staffing, network utilization, and cost for direct care and/or purchased care.

f. Health System - Research related to the impact of the significant changes in policy or structure of the MHS on health care cost, quality, utilization, health outcomes, manpower/staffing, or health care readiness. Comparisons to between direct and purchased care, or care within the private sector, and includes measurement of the impact of policy changes to the TRICARE benefit structure on utilization and cost.

The proposals must emphasize one of the listed Clinical Priority Areas:
a. Cardiovascular Health
b. Women’s Health
c. Primary Care
d. Specialty Care
e. Sensory Health
f. Dental Care
g. Surgical Care
h. Telehealth
i. Nutritional Care


LOIs and Full Proposals for this funding opportunity may be submitted by investigators, uniformed or civilian staff who work for DoD or non-DoD organizations, as defined below. DHA encourages applications from Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) that include Historically Black Colleges and Universities and others as defined at: https://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/doi-minority-serving-institutionsprogram.

a. Extramural Organization: An eligible non-DoD organization. Examples of extramural organizations include academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and other federal government organizations (other than DoD). • Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) are not eligible to directly receive awards under this NOFO. However, teaming arrangements between FFRDCs and eligible organizations are allowed if permitted under the sponsoring agreement between the federal government and the specific FFRDC. • Government agencies within the US: Local, state, and non-DoD federal government agencies are eligible to the extent that proposals do not overlap with their fully-funded internal programs. Such agencies are required to explain how their proposals do not overlap with their internal programs.

b. Intramural DoD Organization: A facility or group of facilities owned, leased, or otherwise used by Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and all other organizational entities within the DoD; to include DoD laboratories, DoD MTFs, and/or DoD activities embedded within a civilian medical center.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
05/28/2024 ( Required Letter of Intent)

DoD 2024 National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-Cs)

 Limit: 1 // J. Denno (Cyber Convergence Center) 


NCAE-Cs may submit one proposal which provides a response to one or two focus areas identified below. The total proposal submission per NCAE-C may not exceed $250,000.00 ($125,000.00 for each project). Any proposals exceeding this limit will automatically be rejected. 

 Universities designated under the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C)  which includes  National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education and  National Centers of Academic Excellence – Research,  and  National Centers of Academic Excellence – Cyber Operations  (hereinafter referred to as NCAE-Cs) 


The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP) is authorized by Chapter 112 of title 10, United States Code, Section 2200. The purpose of the program is to support the recruitment of new cyber talent and the retention of current highly skilled professionals within the DoD cyber workforce. Additionally, this program serves to enhance the national pipeline for the development of cyber personnel by providing grants to institutions of higher education. The DoD Cyber and Digital Services Academy (DCDSA) will partner with the DoD CySP/DCDSA in 2024. 

Regionally and nationally accredited U.S. institutions of higher education, designated under the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) and known as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Research, and/or Cyber Operations (hereinafter referred to as NCAE-Cs) are invited to submit proposals for developing and managing a full-time, institution-based, grant-funded scholarship program in cyber-related disciplines for Academic Year 2024- 2025. NCAE-Cs may propose collaboration with other accredited institutions, and are encouraged to include accredited post-secondary minority institutions. NCAE-Cs must be in good standing with the NCAE-C Program Office and not be delinquent on any required documentation by the NCAE-C Program Office. 

Consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2200b, NCAE-C proposals to this solicitation may also request modest collateral support for purposes of institutional capacity building to include faculty development, laboratory improvements, and/or curriculum development, in cyber-related topics to providing a strong foundation for a DoD CySP/DCDSA/DCDSA. [Special note: Requirements for proposing modest capacity building support are detailed in ANNEX II.] 

To continue the development of a strong foundation for recruitment scholarship program during the Academic Year 2024-2025, students falling into one of the following categories may apply: 

  • • Rising second-year NCAE-C Community College students who will be transitioning into a bachelor’s degree program at a 4-year NCAE-C 
  • • Current individuals who hold a non-cyber related bachelor’s or graduate degree, cross training into cyber by pursuing an associate’s degree. 
  • • Juniors or Seniors pursuing a bachelor's degree (Sophomore's promoting to a Junior in Fall 2024 are eligible to apply) 
  • • Students in their first or second year of a master's degree; or 
  • • Students pursuing doctoral degrees. 


Traditional National Guardsmen and reservists are eligible to apply under the recruitment program. Current DoD civilians and active duty military members are only eligible for the retention program. Applications for the retention program are processed under a different memorandum. NCAE-C are not required to forward or handle retention student applications. These individuals may also participate in the retention community college program. 

Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) participants are eligible to apply as long as they do not currently have a service obligation with their ROTC activities. 

Employees of non-DoD federal agencies are ineligible for either program. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DoD W911NF-23-S-0001-0002: 2024 U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/Minority - Serving Institutions (MI) Early Career Program (ECP)

Limit: 3 // PIs:
Y. Vitaliy (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
B. Revil-Baudard (Materials Science and Engineering)
H. Rastgoftar (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)


The DEVCOM Army Research Lab seeks unclassified research proposals from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) under Broad Agency Announcement (FOA) W911NF-23-S-0001-0002 (hereafter referred to as the DEVCOM ARL BAA”) to establish an Army HBCU/MI Early Career Program (ECP) which embodies the high priority placed by the government on maintaining the leadership position of the United States in science by producing outstanding scientists and engineers and nurturing their continued development. Each award will support basic research contributing to Army modernization needs conducted by outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their careers at HBCU/MI institutions. ECP awards are funded by the Army to support early career scientists and engineers who show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research. This targeted opportunity is open to U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals, or Lawful Permanent Residents of the U.S. who have held a tenure- track position at a covered educational institution for fewer than five years at the time applications are due in response to this special notice. Faculty at an institution of higher education which does not designate a faculty appointment as "tenure track" are eligible if that fact is so indicated in the proposal, and the supporting letter from the institute states that the faculty member submitting the proposal will be considered for a permanent appointment, or it is demonstrated that the faculty member is within five years of receiving his or her first competitively awarded federal research funding (as principal investigator), excluding funds secured during graduate school or postdoctoral training/fellowship and funds secured for training, fellowship, education, or career development. The objective of the ECP Award is to foster creative basic research in science and engineering; enhance development of outstanding early career investigators; and increase opportunities for early career investigators to pursue research in areas relevant to the Army. Proposals that do not meet these criteria for the Principal Investigator (PI) will be considered ineligible and not reviewed or considered for funding.


The eleven DEVCOM ARL competencies are:

  •   Biological and Biotechnology Sciences

  •   Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences

  •   Energy Sciences

  •   Humans in Complex Systems

  •   Mechanical Sciences

  •   Military Information Sciences

  •   Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences

  •   Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences

  •   Sciences of Extreme Materials

  •   Terminal Effects

  •   Weapons Sciences

DEVCOM ARL plans to award up to eight (8) new HBCU/MI ECP grants at a total cost of $990,000 each over a duration of 5 years, with funding profile of $110,000 in year one, $165,000 in year two, $220,000 in year three, $330,000 in year four, and $165,000 in year five. Note this is more funding and longer duration than the typical ECP award specified in the DEVCOM ARL BAA.

DoD 0704-0486: 2024 Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program

Limit: 1  // PI:  J. Denno (Cyber Convergence Center)  - Competitive Resubmission


Only one application per institution is allowed.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP) is authorized by Chapter 112 of title 10, United States Code, Section 2200. The purpose of the program is to support the recruitment of new cyber talent and the retention of current highly skilled professionals within the DoD cyber workforce. Additionally, this program serves to enhance the national pipeline for the development of cyber personnel by providing grants to institutions of higher education. The DoD Cyber and Digital Services Academy (DCDSA) will partner with the DoD CySP/DCDSA in 2024.

Regionally and nationally accredited U.S. institutions of higher education, designated under the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) and known as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Research, and/or Cyber Operations (hereinafter referred to as NCAE-Cs) are invited to submit proposals for developing and managing a full-time, institution-based, grant-funded scholarship program in cyber-related disciplines for Academic Year 2024- 2025. NCAE-Cs may propose collaboration with other accredited institutions, and are encouraged to include accredited post-secondary minority institutions. NCAE-Cs must be in good standing with the NCAE-C Program Office and not be delinquent on any required documentation by the NCAE-C Program Office.

Consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2200b, NCAE-C proposals to this solicitation may also request modest collateral support for purposes of institutional capacity building to include faculty development, laboratory improvements, and/or curriculum development, in cyber-related topics to providing a strong foundation for a DoD CySP/DCDSA/DCDSA. [Special note: Requirements for proposing modest capacity building support are detailed in ANNEX II.]

To continue the development of a strong foundation for recruitment scholarship program during the Academic Year 2024-2025, students falling into one of the following categories may apply:

  • • Rising second-year NCAE-C Community College students who will be transitioning into a bachelor’s degree program at a 4-year NCAE-C
  • • Current individuals who hold a non-cyber related bachelor’s or graduate degree, cross training into cyber by pursuing an associate’s degree.
  • • Juniors or Seniors pursuing a bachelor's degree (Sophomore's promoting to a Junior in Fall 2024 are eligible to apply)
  • • Students in their first or second year of a master's degree; or
  • • Students pursuing doctoral degrees.


Traditional National Guardsmen and reservists are eligible to apply under the recruitment program. Current DoD civilians and active duty military members are only eligible for the retention program. Applications for the retention program are processed under a different memorandum. NCAE-C are not required to forward or handle retention student applications. These individuals may also participate in the retention community college program.

Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) participants are eligible to apply as long as they do not currently have a service obligation with their ROTC activities.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

DOD W911NF-23-S-0015: 2023 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) Research and Education Program

Limit: 3  // PIs: 
O. Zhupanska (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
E. Butcher (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
H. Fasel (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)



For more information about this funding program, please contact:

UArizona may submit three (3) applications.

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), in the Department of Defense (DOD), released a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the fiscal year (FY) 2024 DOD Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI).  As you know, this effort is DOD’s premiere program in providing support to advance basic research at HBCUs and MIs.  In particular, this FOA seeks to:

  • Improve the programs and capabilities of HBCUs/MIs in science and engineering disciplines relevant to DOD;
  • Increase the participation of HBCUs and MIs in flagship DOD research programs by furthering HBCU/MI capacity; and
  • Increase the number of underrepresented minority graduates in STEM fields relevant to the Department.


Principal Investigators (PIs) should consider novel approaches for proposed projects, with a focus on enhancing the capabilities of their institutions to develop stronger STEM programs to better HBCU/MI participation in competitive defense research programs.  The ultimate goal of the program is to promote STEM research to underrepresented students and encourage them to pursue STEM careers in disciplines of importance to DOD.  Proposed research should align with the areas of interests that have been identified by each of the branches, which can be found in previous broad agency announcements (BAAs) from the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).  More information on each of these BAAs can be found in the full solicitation.  


DOD anticipates awarding a total of $50 million, up to $1 million per grant, for a performance period of 48 months. 

DoD W911NF-23-S-0014 : 2023 Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) - Equipment/Instrumentation

Limit: 3  // PIs selected: 
Shafae & Satam (Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing)
H.Rastgoftar (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
Y. Vitaliy (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) 


Number of applications allowed per institution: 3

The Department of Defense (DoD) is soliciting applications for the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation under the Fiscal Year 2024 Research and Education Program for HBCU/MI. The Research and Education Program is designed to enhance the research capabilities of HBCUs and MIs and to strengthen their STEM education programs. The purpose of funding under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to (1) support the acquisition of equipment/instrumentation to augment existing capabilities or to develop new capabilities in research areas of interest to DoD, and (2) attract students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers. Although funding provided under this FOA cannot be used for student support, in order to further DoD’s objective of attracting students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers, applicants must address the impact of the requested equipment/instrumentation on student participation in research. 

U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Foundational Science Research Unit

Early Career Proposals. One year funding proposals (with option of second year) within one of six categories including: Learning in Formal and Informal Environments, Leader Development, Personnel Testing and Performance, Organizational Effectiveness, Culture, Individual Differences. Principal Investigator's must have received their Ph.D. within five years of the time of proposal submission, and not previously received funding from ARI as a PI. Initial budgets should be approximately $110K. Both single-investigator and collaborative research efforts are encouraged.

Research Category
Opportunity ID
External Deadline
Varies through 2025